Before discussing bounce cosmologies, I need to place some conceptual machinery onto the table. First, in this section, I will briefly describe singularity theorems as the theorems apply to cosmology. Craig's defense of the Kalam argument has often focused on one specific singularity theorem (the Borde-Guth-Vilenkin theorem, as described below), which Craig takes to provide evidence for the Kalam argument's second premise, i.e., that the universe began to exist. There are cosmological models to which the singularity theorems do not apply, so that Craig and Sinclair's discussion of non-singular cosmologies, such as bounce cosmologies, revolves around how those cosmologies avoid the singularity theorems and whether non-singular cosmologies can avoid an absolute beginning. Second, in section 3, I will briefly discuss the universe's entropy in order to describe Craig and Sinclair's interpretation of bounce cosmologies. The universe's expansion can be understood in terms of a characteristic length scale termed the scale factor and denoted a(t). For present purposes, it will suffice to say that the universe grows as a(t) increases. Early in physical cosmology's history, physicists realized that models of an isotropic and homogeneous universe, with some assumptions about the matter-energy-momentum populating space-time, predict that a(t) tends to zero at some finite time in the past. Imagine a time-line documenting the history of an isotropic and homogeneous universe. 2 We'll need to pick a clock to label three-dimensional slices along our time-line. Let's choose a clock such that a(t = 0) = 0. In that case, the three-dimensional slice labeled t = 0 cannot be a part of the time-line because the spacetime manifold is not mathematically well-defined when the scale factor is 0; so, we need to remove t = 0 from the time-line. Of course, different clocks will mark the slice that we remove with different labels, but every clock -and so every observer -will agree that there