Two important issues concerning the scattering phases in a quantum wire with an attractive scatterer are investigated. We consider the case of two quasibound states which couple to a scattering channel and give rise to two Fano resonances. First, we examine the effects of temperature on the phase of the transmission amplitude and the Friedel phase. It is shown that temperature effects tend to smear sharp features of the transmission phase; namely, the phase drops become less than π, and acquire finite widths which increase linearly in the low-temperature regime. The influence of temperature on the Friedel phase and density of states becomes stronger as the Fano resonance becomes narrower. Second, we examine the behavior of the Friedel phase when the energy of the incident electron crosses an infinitely narrow Fano resonance, forming bound state in the continuum. It is shown that the Friedel phase exhibits abrupt jump of π at this energy. We discuss this odd behavior in relation to the Friedel sum rule and point out its consequences on the charge in the scattering region.