The Kondo scale T K for impurity systems is expected to guarantee universal scaling of physical quantities. However, in practice, not every definition of T K necessarily supports this notion away from the strict scaling limit. Specifically, this paper addresses the role of finite bandwidth D in the strongly correlated Kondo regime. For this, various theoretical definitions of T K are analyzed based on the inverse magnetic impurity susceptibility at zero temperature. While conventional definitions in that respect quickly fail to ensure universal Kondo scaling for a large range of D, this paper proposes an altered definition of T sc K that allows universal scaling of dynamical or thermal quantities for a given fixed Hamiltonian. If the scaling is performed with respect to an external parameter that directly enters the Hamiltonian, such as magnetic field, the corresponding T sc,B K for universal scaling differs, yet becomes equivalent to T sc K in the scaling limit. The only requirement for universal scaling in the full Kondo parameter regime with a residual error of less than 1% is a well-defined isolated Kondo feature with T K 0.01 D irrespective of specific other impurity parameter settings. By varying D over a wide range relative to the bare energies of the impurity, for example, this allows a smooth transition from the Anderson to the Kondo model.