Beginning in 2016, there have been several research summits that have brought together scholars primarily from North America and Europe who are interested in the talent development paradigms (Subotnik et al., 2011(Subotnik et al., , 2018Ziegler & Stoeger, 2017; Ziegler & Vialle, in press) and its utility to the field of gifted education. The fourth biennial European and North American Talent Development Summit was held at Haifa University, Israel, in September of 2022, hosted by Roza Leikin, Dean of the Faculty of Education and Professor of Mathematics Education and Gifted Education. In contrast with other meetings of this type, a specific goal of these summits is to give focused and targeted feedback on work in progress to facilitate moving that work from "in progress" to published. Several papers presented at that summit have been accepted for a two-part special issue and are being published in this issue and an issue in the next volume of the Journal for the Education of the Gifted.