1IntroductionIn the ongoing discoveries of various drugs with different targets and mechanisms, it is important to have an efficient and feasible methodt oc arry out cytotoxicity studies.D ifferent compounds need to be tested in vitro to check for the effectso nc ell cultures and to determine dosage responses.T raditional viabilitya ssays are based on either the physicalp ropertieso fv iablec ells,s uch as membrane integrityo rc ytoplasmic streaming, or on their metabolic activity,s uch as reduction of tetrazolium salts or hydrolysis of fluorogenic substrates.T hese compounds are accounted for via microscopic or spectroscopic estimation and have problems with feasibility and accuracy. Forexample,MTT assay is very tedious and time consuming and comparatively in accurate because it gives the percentage cell survival compared to control [ 1,2].I n such assays,c ytotoxicityp rofile needs to be terminated for the analysisa nd thereforev iability measure obtained is only at as ingle time point. Somev iability assays (such as alarmarBlue) enable viability determination from the culture medium and the sames et cells can be monitored over atime period, but the methods usually require aminimum incubation time of an hour which rules out continuous monitoring.M icroscopy techniques [3] give ag ood morphological data, but cell growth and number cannot be obtained frequently and neither accurately.T he cellbased kinetics is also measured by electrical impedance sensing system( EIS), which measures the resistance produced by growing cell monolayer over the electrode [4]. Thep otentiometric method of cytotoxicity studies gives real time data on cell survival in termso fp otential [5] allowing simultaneous,c ontinuous and comparative study of different compounds with different concentrations. This is possibleb yu sing multichannel potentiometric systems,w here data can be compared with the control on the same plot on ar eal time basis.H ence,t he time and concentrationa tw hich the compound is toxic can be known based on the change in potential as comparedt o the control. In vitro toxicological studies reducet he use of animalexperiments in drug toxicity testing [6].Attachment of cells on the working electrode results in an egative potential between the workinga nd reference electrode [7,8].T he negative charge is also due to ionic transport across the cell membrane [9].T his electrochemical cells potential is measured against the reference electrode potential [10,11].In this study,s putterc oated gold base culture wells served as workinge lectrodes and the cells were attached on them.T he reference electrode was in contact with culturem edium, whicha cts as the electrolyte.O ne must be aware that the contact junctions of the half cells by nature slowly leak fill solution into the externals olution in which they are found.T his is ap ossible problem for biological systems especially when working solutions are small in volume.T he goal of this paper was to find the most stable experimental setup for potentiometric whole cell-based...