Light-matter strong coupling allows for the possibility of entangling the wave functions of different molecules through the light field. We herebyp resent direct evidence of non-radiative energy transfer well beyond the Fçrster limit for spatially separated donor and acceptor cyanine dyes strongly coupled to ac avity.T he transient dynamics and the static spectra show an energy transfer efficiency approaching 37 % for donor-acceptor distances ! 100 nm. In such systems,t he energy transfer process becomes independent of distance as long as the coupling strength is maintained. This is consistent with the entangled and delocalized nature of the polaritonic states.Energy transfer is au biquitous phenomenon in nature and the underlying non-radiative process has been extensively studied over the years and typically relates either short-range dipole-dipole interactions (Fçrster) or electronic exchange (Dexter).[1] Many factors can affect these types of energy transfer such as the local photonic mode density [1][2][3][4][5][6] which can be controlled in the weak light-matter interaction regime. This is typically achieved by placing the quantum emitters in ar esonant cavity.A nother way to modify energy transfer is under strong light-matter coupling as recently demonstrated. [7,8] In those experiments,b oth the donor Da nd the acceptor Awere coupled to ac avity,l eading to ac ascade of hybrid light-matter or polaritonic states as illustrated in Figure 1a.T he three new hybrid states,n amely the upper (UP), middle (MP) and lower (LP) polaritonic states are quantum mechanically entangled and provide an effective path for energy transfer. This is very much like when the donor and acceptor are chemically linked with an overlap of their wave functions. [7] We reported that the rate of nonradiative energy transfer was increased by af actor of seven under those conditions as compared to the normal situation outside the cavity,w ith ac orresponding effect on the energy transfer efficiency.[7] Such cascaded strongly coupled systems lead to the intriguing possibility of achieving energy transfer of spatially separated but entangled donors and acceptors over distances where Fçrster type mechanism is no longer possible as illustrated in Figure 1b.Itshould be recalled that Fçrster type energy transfer rate k ET is proportional to 1 R 6 DA where R DA is the average donor-acceptor distance and it is well established that energy transfer is highly unlikely for R DA ! 10 nm. Herein, we present direct evidence for nonradiative energy transfer of spatially separated but entangled molecules well beyond this Fçrster limit. This is observed from both static measurements and the transient dynamics and interestingly the energy transfer becomes independent of distance as long as the strong coupling strength is constant. Such findings add to ar ich variety of quantum phenomena that can be observed by using hybrid light-matter states such as coherent emission [9,10] and room temperature polariton condensation [11,12] in addition to modif...