Abstract:We report the first observation of single-shot soft x-ray laser induced desorption occurring below the ablation threshold in a thin layer of poly (methyl methacrylate) -PMMA. Irradiated by the focused beam from the Free-electron LASer in Hamburg (FLASH) at 21.7nm, the samples have been investigated by atomic-force microscope (AFM) enabling the visualization of mild surface modifications caused by the desorption. A model describing non-thermal desorption and ablation has been developed and used to analyze single-shot imprints in PMMA. An intermediate regime of materials removal has been found, confirming model predictions. We also report below-threshold multiple-shot desorption of PMMA induced by high-order harmonics (HOH) at 32nm. Short-time exposure imprints provide sufficient information about transverse beam profile in HOH's tight focus whereas long-time exposed PMMA exhibits radiation-initiated surface hardening making the beam profile measurement infeasible. B. Rus, A. Carillon, P. Dhez, P. Jaeglé, G. Jamelot, A. Klisnick, M. Nantel, and P. Zeitoun, "An efficient, high-brightness soft X-ray laser at 21.2 nm," Phys. Rev. A55, 3858-3873 (1997 S. Heinbuch, M. Grisham, D. Martz, and J. J. Rocca, "Demonstration of a desk-top size high repetition rate soft x-ray laser," Opt. Express 13, 4050-4055 (2005). 10. P. E. Dyer, "Excimer laser polymer ablation: twenty years on," Appl. Phys. A77, 167-173 (2003), and references cited therein. 11. L. V. Zhigilei, B. J. Garrison, "Molecular dynamics simulation study of the fluence dependence of particle yield and plume composition in laser desorption and ablation of organic solids," Appl. Phys. Lett. 74, 1341-1343 (1999)