The tree forcing method of Liu enables the cone avoiding of strong enumeration of a given tree, within subsets or co-subsets of an arbitrary given set, provided the given tree does not admit computable strong enumeration. Using this result, he settled and reproduced a series of problems and results in reverse mathematics and the theory of algorithmic randomness, including showing that every 1-random set has an infinite subset or co-subset which computes no 1-random set.In this paper, we show that for any given 1-random set A, there exists an infinite subset G of A such that G does not compute any set with positive effective Hausdorff dimension.In particular we answer in the affirmative Kjos-Hanssen's 2006 question whether each 1-random set has an infinite subset which computes no 1-random set.The result is surprising in that the tree forcing technique seems to heavily rely on subset co-subset combinatorics, whereas this result does not.2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 68Q30 ; Secondary 03D32 03D80 28A78.