With the growing interest of the research community in making deep learning (DL) robust and reliable, detecting out-of-distribution (OOD) data has become critical. Detecting OOD inputs during test/prediction allows the model to account for discriminative features unknown to the model. This capability increases the model's reliability since this model provides a class prediction solely at incoming data similar to the training one. OOD detection is well established in computer vision problems. However, it remains relatively under-explored in other domains such as time series (i.e., Human Activity Recognition (HAR)). Since uncertainty has been a critical driver for OOD in vision-based models, the same component has proven effective in time-series applications.We plan to address the OOD detection problem in HAR with time-series data in this work. To test the capability of the proposed method, we define different types of OOD for HAR that arise from realistic scenarios. We apply an ensemble-based temporal learning framework that incorporates uncertainty and detects OOD for the defined HAR workloads. In particular, we extract OODs from popular benchmark HAR datasets and use the framework to separate those OODs from the indistribution (ID) data. Across all the datasets, the ensemble framework outperformed the traditional deep-learning method (our baseline) on the OOD detection task.
I. INTRODUCTIONDeep learning (DL) methods for HAR are integral to many ubiquitous applications. E.g., providing live coaching feedback to an athlete based on mobile or on-body sensor data requires an efficient HAR algorithm. The algorithm predicts if the person is running, walking, jogging, etc., and coaching feedback is generated based on that prediction. In such applications, it is common to encounter unseen out-ofdistribution (OOD) activities with respect to known or indistribution (ID) activities. E.g., taking a rest while running or performing some spontaneous activity such as taking a phone call. The model does not know the above activities (hence OOD). Therefore, it must differentiate the OOD data from ID data in those scenarios. Failing to do so leads to misclassification, affecting model reliability. However, most state-of-the-art DL models used for HAR fail to do so. The primary reason is that these models are trained to discriminate between classes with high accuracy without *This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 813162. The content of this paper reflects the views only of their author (s). The European Commission/ Research Executive Agency are not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.