This paper presents a method of estimating a radial permeability distribution that would reproduce the pressure data obtained in a well test. The method is applied to three examples: permeability variation in a composite reservoir, porosity variation in a composite reservoir, and permeability variation with inaccurate data. The permeability estimates obtained are shown to be smoothed versions of the actual permeability distribution, and an estimate for the resolution width of the smoothing is provided. One significant advantage of the solution method applied in this paper is the ability to estimate permeability variation without dividing the reservoir into zones of constant permeability.
IntroductionIf permeability, net thickness, and porosity are known throughout a reservoir, it is fairly simple to estimate the pressure history at any point in the reservoir for a given production history. This is the "forward problem" for pressure estimation when parameters are known. The accuracy of pressure prediction given knowledge of the reservoir parameters has no practical limit.Contrast this with the "inverse problem," which is to estimate the distribution of reservoir properties (i.e., porosity, permeability, and net thickness) that could result in the observed pressures at a well location. The inverse problem is not unique because the finite frequency of measurements imposes a limit to the amount of data that can be obtained. Conventional well-test analysis is a solution method with a goal to estimate a few parameters that characterize the reservoir in the area of investigation. Usually, one uniform permeability is considered inadequate to describe the entire region; in this case, the skin is used to characterize the different permeability of the near-wellbore region. If two parameters, skin and constant permeability, are not sufficient to explain the pressure history, then faults intersecting at various angles, impermeable regions, or a second permeability region sometimes are added, either by layering or as a concentric ring. These methods of creating models that match observed pressures can be classified as parameter identification. The important characteristic of this type of problem is that the dimension of the parameter space is small.If we accept that permeability and porosity are functions of reservoir location, then we recognize that the parameter space for well testing is infinite-dimensional. The problem of estimating a variable permeability distribution has not been ignored. Previous methods, however, have used finite-difference or finite-element methods to reduce the parameter dimension from infinitedimensional to a relatively small dimension that would give unique or stable results when an inverse calculation is attempted. 1-3 In this paper, I show that it is possible to retain the functional flavor of the permeability field by using the Backus and Gilbert 4 ,5 approach to solving the inverse problem.For a small variation in permeability, the part of the pressure response caused by variation in absolute p...