Much policy attention has been placed on enhancing individuals' financial knowledge and literacy, chiefly through financial education programs. However, managing one's personal finances takes more than financial knowledge and literacy: an individual also needs a sense of self-assuredness, or 'self-belief', in their own capabilities. This personal attribute is known within the psychology literature as 'self-efficacy'. This paper examines the significance of an individual's financial self-efficacy in explaining their personal finance behaviour, through the application of a psychometric instrument. Using a 2013 survey of Australian women, financial self-efficacy emerges as one of the strongest predictors of the type and number of financial products that a woman holds. Specifically, our analysis reveals that women with higher financial self-efficacy -that it, with greater self-assuredness in their financial management capacities -are more likely to hold investment and savings products, and less 2 likely to hold debt-related products. Even alongside other important factors -such as education, financial risk preferences, age and household income -the explanatory power of financial self-efficacy is found to be significant at the 1% critical level. Moreover, the significance of financial self-efficacy is independently identified from that of financial literacy factors, which bears important implications for the development of policies aiming to improve financial outcomes.