We have measured angular distributions for the "N(6Li, d)'9F and '60(6Li, d)20Ne reactions at a bombarding energy of 22 MeV. Distorted-wave Born-approximation and Hauser-Feshbach calculations were used to analyze the data. Ratios of n-transfer cross sections in ' F and Ne, plus isospin invariance, provide ratios of n widths in Ne and ONe. Using Ne (1,5.788 MeV) as a standard allows the determination of the n-particle width for the state at 4.033 MeV in ' Ne, and hence the resonant rate for the "O(n, y)'9Ne reaction, contributed from the 504 keV, -, resonance, at temperatures of astrophysical interest. PACS numbers: 25.70.Hi, 25.55.e, 27.20.+n, 97.10.CV One of the two links between the hot CNO (HCNO)