In the solar convection zone, rotation couples with intensely turbulent convection to drive a strong differential rotation and achieve complex magnetic dynamo action. Our Sun must have rotated more rapidly in its past, as is suggested by observations of many rapidly rotating young solar-type stars. Here we explore the effects of more rapid rotation on the global-scale patterns of convection in such stars and the flows of differential rotation and meridional circulation, which are self-consistently established. The convection in these systems is richly time-dependent, and in our most rapidly rotating suns a striking pattern of localized convection emerges. Convection near the equator in these systems is dominated by one or two nests in longitude of locally enhanced convection, with quiescent streaming flow in between them at the highest rotation rates. These active nests of convection maintain a strong differential rotation despite their small size. The structure of differential rotation is similar in all of our more rapidly rotating suns, with fast equators and slower poles. We find that the total shear in differential rotation Á grows with more rapid rotation, while the relative shear Á/ 0 decreases. In contrast, at more rapid rotation, the meridional circulations decrease in energy and peak velocities and break into multiple cells of circulation in both radius and latitude. Subject headingg s: convection -stars: interiors -stars: rotation -Sun: interior -Sun: rotation
CONVECTION, ROTATION, AND MAGNETISMOur Sun is a magnetic star whose cycles of magnetic activity must arise from organized dynamo action in its interior. This dynamo action is achieved by turbulent plasma motions in the solar convection zone, which spans the outer 29% of the Sun in radius. Here vigorous convective motions and rotation couple to drive the differential rotation and meridional circulation. These globalscale flows are important ingredients in stellar dynamo theory, providing shear, which may build and organize fields on global scales. When our Sun was younger, it must have rotated much more rapidly, as is suggested both by the solar wind, which continually removes angular momentum from the Sun, and by many observations of rapidly rotating solar-like stars. In more rapidly rotating suns the coupling between rotation and convection is strong and must continue to drive global scales of flow. Understanding the nature of convection, differential rotation, and meridional circulation in more rapidly rotating stars is a crucial step toward understanding stellar dynamos.The manner in which the Sun achieves global-scale dynamo action is gradually being sorted out. Helioseismology, which uses acoustic oscillations to probe the radial structure of the star, as well as the convective flows beneath the surface, has revealed that the solar differential rotation profile observed at the surface prints throughout the convection zone, with two prominent regions of radial shear. The near-surface shear layer occupies the outer 5% of the Sun, where...