We show that the nature of quantum phases around the superconductor-insulator transition (SIT) is controlled by charge-vortex topological interactions, and does not depend on the details of material parameters and disorder. We find three distinct phases, superconductor, superinsulator and bosonic topological insulator. The superinsulator is a state of matter with infinite resistance in a finite temperatures range, which is the S-dual of the superconductor and in which charge transport is prevented by electric strings binding charges of opposite sign. The electric strings ensuring linear confinement of charges are generated by instantons and are dual to superconducting Abrikosov vortices. Material parameters and disorder enter the London penetration depth of the superconductor, the string tension of the superinsulator and the quantum fluctuation parameter driving the transition between them. They are entirely encoded in four phenomenological parameters of a topological gauge theory of the SIT. Finally, we point out that, in the context of strong coupling gauge theories, the many-body localization phenomenon that is often referred to as an underlying mechanism for superinsulation is a mere transcription of the well-known phenomenon of confinement into solid state physics language and is entirely driven by endogenous disorder embodied by instantons with no need of exogenous disorder.The superconductor-insulator transition (SIT) [1-7] is a paradigmatic quantum phase transition found in Josephson junction arrays (JJA) [1,6] and in 2D disordered superconducting films at low temperatures T [2-5]. The tuning parameter driving the SIT is the ratio of the single junction Coulomb energy to the Josephson coupling. In 2D films this ratio is effectively controlled by varying the film thickness d which regulates the strength of disorder and hence of Coulomb screening or by applying a magnetic field that suppresses the Josephson coupling. This can cause a dramatic change in the ground state so that superconductivity is lost in favour of insulating behaviour.In 1978, G. 't Hooft [8] appealed to a solid state physics analogy in a Gedankenexperiment to explain quark confinement and demonstrated that this is realized in a phase which is in many respects similar to the superconducting phase, but is in a sense a zero particle mobility phase, the extreme opposite of a superconductor and called hence this phase a "superinsulator." In 1996, two of the present authors (mcd and cat) [9] developed a comprehensive field theory framework for the description of the SIT in JJA. They predicted that, on the insulating side of the SIT, a new ground state forms, corresponding to a novel phase with infinite resistance. This novel phase is dual to the superconductor, characterized by zero resistance, and they thus independently also called this phase a superinsulator. Independently, superinsulators where also soon proposed in [10]. Finally, the name and phenomenon of superinsulation was rediscovered and experimentally detected by one of the authors (...