We argue that, in a theory of quantum gravity, the gauge coupling and the confinement scale of a gauge theory are related to distance in the space of metric configurations, and in turn to the cosmological constant. To support the argument, we compute the gauge kinetic functions in variuos supersymmetric Heterotic and type II string compactifications and show that they depend on distance. According to the swampland program, the distance between two (anti) de Sitter vacua in the space of metric configurations is proportional to the logarithm of the ratio of cosmological constants and thus the confinement scale depends on the value of the cosmological constant. In this framework, for de Sitter space, we revisit the swampland Festina Lente bound and gauge theories in the dark dimension scenario. We show that if the Festina Lente bound is realized in a de Sitter vacuum and dependence on distance is strong enough, it will be realized in vacua with higher cosmological constants. In dark dimension scenario, as the value of cosmological constant is related to the decompactifying dimension, we find that the confinement scale is indeed related to radius of dark dimension. We show that in this scenario the Festina Lente bound holds for the standard model QCD, as well as all confining gauge groups with Nc ≲ 103.