The balance between warm and hot (>1 keV) electron density and their losses from the magnetic confinement system of an Electron Cyclotron Resonance Ion Source (ECRIS) plasma is considered to be one of the main factors determining the rate of the high charge state ion production. One of the key loss channels for heated electrons is thought to be induced by the injected microwaves. While this loss mechanism, referred to as rf-induced pitch angle scattering, has been studied theoretically and with computational tools, direct experimental evidence of its significance in minimum-B ECRIS plasmas remains limited. In this work, experimental evidence of microwave induced electron losses in the axial direction is presented in both continuous wave (CW) and pulsed operation of a 14 GHz ECRIS. In the CW mode, the experiment was carried out by comparing the characteristic X-ray emission from the plasma volume and from the surface of the biased disc located in the flux of the escaping electron at the axial magnetic mirror. Parametric sweeps of magnetic field, neutral gas pressure, and microwave power were conducted to determine their effect on electron losses. In the pulsed mode, the experiment was conducted by measuring the flux of escaping electrons through aluminum foils of different thicknesses providing some energy resolution. Both diagnostics support the view that rf-induced losses account for up to 70% of total hot electron losses and their importance depends on the source parameters, especially power and neutral gas pressure.