CALCULATION OF BNCT DOSIMETRY FOR BRAIN CANCER BASED ON KARTINI RESEARCH REACTOR USING PHITS CODE.Cancer is a dangerous disease caused by the growth of a mass of cells that are unnatural and uncontrollable. Glioblastoma, also called as glioblastoma multiforme (GBM), is one of dangerous brain cancer. The dismal prognosis associated with glioblastoma is attributable not only to its aggressive and infiltrative behavior, but also to its location typically deep in the parenchyma of the brain. In resolving this chalenge, the BNCT method can be a solution. This study aims to calculate BNCT dosimetry in different of cancer positions and irradiation geometries using PHITS code. The results show that the deeper the cancers target at brain the slower the total absorbed dose rate of cancer target. It takes a longer treatment time. Based on the treatment time and total absorbed dose rate of cancer target, the TOP irradiation geometry is an appropriate choice in treating the cancer target in this case. To achieve the histopathological cure of GBM at the primary site, the absorbed dose of brain was calculated to be 1.07 Gy and 1.64 Gy for the LLAT and PA irradiation geometry, respectively. While, for cancer position of 3 cm, 5 cm, 7.15 cm, 9 cm, and 11 cm, the absorbed dose of brain is 0.25 Gy, 0.48 Gy, 0.85 Gy, 1.33 Gy, and 2.01 Gy, respectively. In addition to the stochastic effect, it was found also deterministic effects that may be produced such as cataracts.Keywords: BNCT dosimetry; GBM; brain cancer cases; PHITS; MIRD phantom LLAT dan PA. Sedangkan, untuk posisi kanker 3 cm, 5 cm, 7,15 cm, 9 cm, dan 11 cm,25 Gy, 0,48 Gy, 0,85 Gy, 1,33 Gy,and 2,01 Gy. Selain adanya efek stokastik, ditemukan juga efek deterministik yang mungkin dihasilkan seperti katarak.
ABSTRAK PERHITUNGAN DOSIMETRI BNCT PADA KANKER OTAK BERBASIS REAKTOR RISET KARTINI MENGGUNAKAN PROGRAM PHITS. Kanker merupakansalahsatu penyakit berbahaya yang diakibatkan oleh tumbuhnya sekumpulan massa sel-sel yang tidak wajar dan tidak terkendali. Salah satu penyakit kanker otak yang berbahaya adalah Glioblastoma atau yang biasa disebut Glioblastoma Multiforme (GBM). Prognosis suram terkait dengan GBM tidak hanya untuk perilaku agresif dan infiltrasi, tetapi juga terhadaplokasi yang jauh di dalam parenkim otak. Untuk menjawab hal tersebut,