Mature male and female mice from six inbred stains were tested for susceptibility to behavioral seizures induced by a single injection of cocaine. Cocaine was injected ip over a range of doses (50-100 mg/kg) Animal models provide fundamental information regarding seizure mechanisms (Jobe et al. 1973;Taylor 1976;Seyfried and Glaser 1985;Golden et al. 1991Golden et al. , 1995 and studies of inbred murine strains in particular (Engstrom and Woodbury 1988;Kosobud and Crabbe 1990;Kosobud et al. 1992;Ferraro et al. 1993Ferraro et al. , 1997Frankel et al. 1995b) have yielded considerable information regarding genetic influences on seizure susceptibility. Paralleling this are studies documenting substantial genetic influences in human epilepsy Leppert et al. 1991;Weissbecker et al. 1991;Greenberg et al. 1992).Cocaine abuse is associated with multiple forms of toxicity and seizures represent a major source of cocaine-induced fatalities (Jonosson et al. 1983;Myers and Earnest 1984;Alldredge, Lowenstein et al. 1989;Choy-Kwong and Lipton 1989;Ernst and Sanders 1989;Ogunyemi et al. 1989;Schwartz 1989; Albertson 1989a, 1989b;Dhuna and Pascual-Leone 1990;Dhuna et al. 1991;Holland et al. 1992;Tseng et al. 1992) with eleven percent of substance abusers reporting seizures related to cocaine use (Washton and Tatarsky 1983). As the number of users of cocaine in the U.S.A. exceeds 1.5 million (Park 1997) it can be estimated that approximately 100,000 individuals have experienced cocaine-induced seizures.The present study represents a systematic strain investigation of acute cocaine-induced seizure sensitivity, a complex trait having genetic and environmental influences. By testing a number of mouse inbred strains for susceptibility to acute cocaine-induced seizures, this study lays the foundation for genetic mapping of specific genes involved in the expression of this complex trait. Because seizure phenomena show striking parallels between mice and humans, and because extensive NO . 3 genetic homology exists between these two species, localization of genes involved in sensitivity to cocaine induced seizures will provide an inroad for studying genetic influence in human drug abuse. The results of this study identify A/J and SJL strains of mice as sensitive to the acute seizure-inducing effect of cocaine whereas C57 mice are significantly more resistant suggesting that these strains may be particularly useful for genetic dissection of this complex trait.
AnimalsMature male and female mice from six inbred strains (The Jackson Laboratory, Bar Harbor, ME) were housed by gender (5-6/cage). All mice were housed separately in the Coatesville, VA, animal facility for a least one week prior to use. Mice were tested for susceptibility to seizures induced by an acute injection of cocaine. A total of 519 mice (C57BL/6J n ϭ 124, DBA/2J n ϭ 48, BALB/ n ϭ 48, SJ/L n ϭ 141, NZW/ n ϭ 37, A/J n ϭ 121) were tested for acute cocaine-induced seizures using ip injection of 50, 60, 70, 75, 80, 90 and 100 mg/kg of cocaine HCl. So...