Every job description that involves contact with several parties has negotiation as a vital prerequisite. When negotiating, the interest should always come first, followed by the stance. As the goal of any negotiation is to produce value and set the conditions under which parties with different and sometimes antagonistic goals will collaborate, preparedness, forbearance, and prior planning are essential to any negotiation's success. One should gather information, be aware of goals and values, find areas of agreement, choose a walk-away stance, and attempt to determine the next best option while preparing. The capacity to use relationships, expertise, influence, resources, time, and attitude in negotiations is a set of abilities that may be taught and honed through experience. It is important to remember that not all negotiations include a win-win situation. All sides benefit when a negotiation is successful. This paper evaluates the necessities of a successful negotiation. There are different types of negotiation- interest-based negotiation and distributive bargaining. The paper delves into the challenges that face these two negotiation strategies and their strengths. It recommends graduates on how they are supposed to carry out negotiations in the business industry. Therefore, the insights from this research paper are important since it equips the graduates with the industry model negotiation skills, which ensures business success. Instead of just standing motionless and droning on about their thoughts, a good listener gains more experience and may learn from other people's speeches, discussions, and communication. Most corporate negotiations are collaborative because both sides try to satisfy the other and utilize their counterpart's demands and negotiating tactics as a springboard for their ideas.