Abstract. Olivine basalts from southern Egypt were studied by 57 Fe Mössbauer spectroscopy at 297 and 77 K, and by optical microscopy and X-ray diffraction. The
57Fe Mössbauer spectra show three-magnetic sextets, three doublets of ferrous (Fe 2+ ), and a weak ferric (Fe 3+ ) doublet that is attributable to a nanophase oxide (npOx). The magnetic sextets relate to titanomagnetite and the Fe 2+ doublets to olivine, pyroxene, and ulvöspinel. Variations in the hyperfine parameters of the various Fe components are attributed to changes in the local crystal chemistry. The intensity of oxidation (Fe 3+ /ΣFe) in the rocks varies from 20-27% with the oxidized iron largely residing in the titanomagnetite.