Linguistic landscape (LL) labels a highly fruitful interdisciplinary discourse on visible language and the ways in which written language articulates with the social and physical public landscapes in which it appears. Linguistic landscapes consist most obviously of publicly visible signs (street, commercial, informational, etc.) but the context has extended to other meaningful elements of public space, sometimes with the broader label of semiotic landscape. This work initially focused on diverse urban contexts, but it has since come to include rural and monolingual contexts as well. The focus on linguistic landscapes has facilitated the extension of many central topics in linguistic anthropology into public physical spaces. These topics include indexicality, voice, language ideology, linguistic hierarchy, language revitalization, entextualization, multimodality, linguistic geography, globalization, the materiality of language, semiotic mediation and mediatization, chronotopic phenomena, the cultural contingency of literacy, and the nature of participant structures and communities of practice.