A vertex coloring of a given graph G is conflict-free if the closed neighborhood of every vertex contains a unique color (i.e. a color appearing only once in the neighborhood). The minimum number of colors in such a coloring is the conflict-free chromatic number of G, denoted χCF (G). What is the maximum possible conflict-free chromatic number of a graph with a given maximum degree ∆? Trivially, χCF (G) ≤ χ(G) ≤ ∆ + 1, but it is far from optimal -due to results of Glebov, Szabó and Tardos, and of Bhyravarapu, Kalyanasundaram and Mathew, the answer in known to be Θ ln 2 ∆ .We show that the answer to the same question in the class of line graphs is Θ (ln ∆) -that is, the extremal value of the conflict-free chromatic index among graphs with maximum degree ∆ is much smaller than the one for conflict-free chromatic number. The same result for χCF (G) is also provided in the class of near regular graphs, i.e. graphs with minimum degree δ ≥ α∆.