This research examines the representation of women against sexual violence in Photocopier, an Indonesian film directed by Wregas Bhanuteja. The film follows the story of Suryani, a college student who experiences sexual violence in her theatre group. The film depicts Suryani not merely as a powerless victim of sexual violence instead she is portrayed as a woman who is able to fight against negative circumstances and prejudice from her surrounding to get justice that she deserved. However, it turns out that such qualities do not necessarily makes her situation better as gender inequality and victim blaming still puts her in an unfavorable position as both sexual violence victim as well as a woman. Using qualitative content analysis method which examines the visual cues as well as dialogues from the film and applying Amy Allen’s theory of feminist power relation, the analysis shows how Suryani possesses and exercise the three types of feminist power posed by Allen, which are “power-to,” “power-over,” and “power-with,” in her relationship with other characters. The research findings from Suryani’s representation show that despite the powers that women possess to resist their subordinate position, women’s collective actions are immensely needed in order to create significant change in sexual violence case that often favor men and blame women.