Understanding the neural mechanisms underlying learning and memory in the entorhinal-hippocampal circuit is a central challenge of systems neuroscience. For more than 40 years, electrophysiological recordings in awake, behaving animals have been used to relate the receptive fields of neurons in this circuit to learning and memory. However, the vast majority of such studies are purely observational, as electrical, surgical, and pharmacological circuit manipulations are both challenging and relatively coarse, being unable to distinguish between specific classes of neurons. Recent advances in molecular genetic tools can overcome many of these limitations, enabling unprecedented control over neural activity in behaving animals. Expression of pharmaco-or optogenetic transgenes in cell-type-specific "driver" lines provides unparalleled anatomical and cell-type specificity, especially when delivered by viral complementation. Pharmacogenetic transgenes are specially designed neurotransmitter receptors exclusively activated by otherwise inactive synthetic ligands and have kinetics similar to traditional pharmacology. Optogenetic transgenes use light to control the membrane potential, and thereby operate at the millisecond timescale. Thus, activation of pharmacogenetic transgenes in specific neuronal cell types while recording from other parts of the circuit allows investigation of the role of those neurons in the steady state, whereas optogenetic transgenes allow one to determine the immediate network response.Electrophysiological recordings have been used to study "receptive fields" (RFs) (Table 1) throughout the brain for more than 50 years. Hubel and Wiesel (1959) were among the first to characterize RFs in the brain by recording in the cat striate cortex from neurons that fired specifically in response to bars or edges of specific orientations. This led them to propose that the orientationselective RFs of striate neurons originate via linear summation of aligned RFs of lateral geniculate neurons (Hubel and Wiesel 1962). Unfortunately, the predictions of this model were largely untestable because electrophysiological recordings are purely observational. Although Chapman et al. (1991) were able to provide evidence consistent with Hubel and Wiesel's model by using clever electrophysiological techniques, they were even unable to directly confirm the model. Therefore, determining how the RFs of upstream neurons generate the RFs of downstream neurons remains a central goal of systems neuroscience. Excitingly, recent advances in molecular genetic techniques potentially enable empirical testing of purely theoretical models.Given the centrality of the entorhinal cortex and hippocampal formation to memory (Scoville and Milner 1957), this review focuses on the RFs of neurons in this circuit. More than 10 years after the seminal work of Hubel and Wiesel, O'Keefe and Dostrov-