Broad-band light-emitting color-center active waveguides induced at the surface of Lithium Fluoride, LiF, crystals by direct writing with low-energy electron beams show great potentialities for the realization of innovative miniaturized solid-state light sources, optical amplifiers and lasers operating in the green-red wavelength interval under optical pumping in the blue spectral range. Their full spectral characterization, hence the optimization of LiF-based single-mode active waveguides, still remains a difficult task. Color-center micro-strip waveguides induced by electron-beam lithography in LiF crystals were successfully characterized via fluorescence imaging microscopy and optical transmittance measurements performed in a versatile spectrophotometer that can measure the transmittance through microstructures down to dimensions of about 50 µm. The irradiation gave rise to the stable formation of primary and aggregate color centers within a thin surface layer of the crystal, whose refractive index is locally modified with respect to the surrounding blank material. The electronic defect volume concentrations and the wavelength-dependent refractive index modifications were evaluated as functions of the irradiation dose for three active micro-strips produced by 12 keV electrons on the same LiF crystal.