SRA-free spaces is a wide class of metric spaces including finite dimensional Alexandrov spaces of non-negative curvature, complete Berwald spaces of nonnegative flag curvature, Cayley Graphs of virtually abelian groups and doubling metric spaces of non-positive Busemann curvature with extendable geodesics. This class also includes arbitrary big balls in complete, locally compact CAT(k)-spaces (k ∈ R) with locally extendable geodesics, finite-dimensional Alexandrov spaces of curvature ≥ k with k ∈ R and complete Finsler manifolds satisfying the doubling condition.We show that SRA-free spaces allow bi-Lipschitz embeddings in Euclidean spaces. As a corollary we obtain a quantitative bi-Lipschitz embedding theorem for balls in finite dimensional Alexandrov spaces of curvature bounded from below conjectured by S. Eriksson-Bique.The main tool of the proof is an extension theorem for bi-Lipschitz maps into Euclidean spaces. This extension theorem is close in nature with the embedding theorem of J. Seo and may be of independent interest. 2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. 51F99. Key words and phrases. bi-Lipschitz embedding, Alexandrov space. 1 Acknowledgements: I thank my advisor Sergey V. Ivanov for all his ideas, advice and continuous support. The mission of investigating connections between SRA(α)-condition and bi-Lipschitz embeddability into Euclidean spaces was given to me by Alexander Lytchak. I'm very grateful for that. I express my gratitude to Nina Lebedeva for multiple useful discussions. Research is supported by "Native towns", a social investment program of PJSC "Gazprom Neft".