Any conformally invariant energy associated with a curve possesses tension-free equilibrium states which are self-similar. When this energy is the three dimensional conformal arc-length, these states are the natural spatial generalizations of planar logarithmic spirals. In this paper, a geometric framework is developed to construct these states explicitly using the conservation laws associated with the symmetry. The tension along a curve, conserved in equilibrium, is first constructed. While the tension itself is not invariant, the statement of its conservation is. By projectlng the conservation laws along the two orthogonal invariant normal directions, the Euler-Lagrange equations are reproduced in a manifestly conformally invariant form involving the conformal curvature and torsion. The conserved torque, scaling and special conformal currents are constructed explicitly by examining the behavior under rotations, rescaling and special conformal transformations respectively. Our specific interest will be the conditions under which the tension vanishes. When it does, the remaining conserved currents assume a strikingly simple form. In a companion paper, the self-similar spirals describing tension-free states will be constructed explicitly by integrating these currents.