Recently, it has been shown that a four-dimensional (4D) Brans-Dicke (BD) theory with an effective matter field and a self interacting potential can be achieved from the vacuum 5D BD field equations, where we refer to as a modified Brans-Dicke theory (MBDT). We investigate a generalized Bianchi type I anisotropic cosmology in 5D BD theory, and by employing the obtained formalism, we derive the induced-matter on any 4D hypersurface in the context of the MBDT. We illustrate that if the usual spatial scale factors are functions of the time while the scale factor of extra dimension is constant, and the scalar field depends on the time and the fifth coordinate, then in general, one will encounter inconsistencies in the field equations. Then, we assume the scale factors and the scalar field depend on the time and the extra coordinate as separated variables in the power-law forms. Hence, we find a few classes of solutions in 5D space-time through which, we probe the one which leads to a generalized Kasner relations among the Kasner parameters. The induced scalar potential is found to be in the power-law or in the logarithmic form, however, for a constant scaler field and even when the scalar field only depends on the fifth coordinate, it vanishes. The conservation law is indeed valid in this MBDT approach for the derived induced energy-momentum tensor (EMT). We proceed our investigations for a few cosmological quantities, where for simplicity we assume the metric and the scalar field are functions of the time. Hence, the EMT satisfies the barotropic equation of state, and the model indicates that constant mean Hubble parameter is not allowed. Thus, by appealing to the variation of Hubble parameter, we assume a fixed deceleration parameter, and set the evolution of the quantities with respect to the fixed deceleration, the BD coupling and the state parameters. The WEC allows a shrinking extra dimension for a decelerating expanding universe that, in the constant scalar field, evolves the same as the flat FRW space-time in GR. The quantities for the stiff fluid and the radiation dominated universe indicate an expanding universe commenced with a big bang. There is a horizon for each of the fluids, and the rate of expansion slows down by the time. The allowed ranges of the deceleration and the BD coupling parameters have been obtained, and the model gives an empty universe when the time goes to infinity.