Reasonable spacetimes are non-compact and of dimension larger than two. We show that these spacetimes are globally hyperbolic if and only if the causal diamonds are compact. That is, there is no need to impose the causality condition, as it can be deduced. We also improve the definition of global hyperbolicity for the non-regular theory (non C 1,1 metric) and for general cone structures by proving the following convenient characterization for upper semi-continuous cone distributions: causality and the causally convex hull of compact sets is compact. In this case the causality condition cannot be dropped, independently of the spacetime dimension. Similar results are obtained for causal simplicity. Let us start by recalling a result of causality theory [32, Thm. 4.12]. Theorem 2.1. The following properties are equivalent: (i) J is closed in the topology of M × M , (ii) J + (p) and J − (p) are closed for every p ∈ M , (iii) J + (K) and J − (K) are closed for every compact subset K ⊂ M , (iv) the causal diamonds are closed.(v) the causally convex hulls of compact sets are closed.This result is a bit surprising because we are not demanding causality, a fact that will prove important, as we shall see. It will follow from the more general Prop. 2.3.Lemma 2.2. Let (M, g) be a spacetime, and let K = {p, q} with p, q ∈ M , thenbut if J + (q)∩J − (p) = ∅ then q ≤ p, thus J ± (q) = J ± (p), hence J + (q)∩J − (p) = J + (p) ∩ J − (q). Thus in any case we have J + (K) ∩ J − (K) = J + (p) ∩ J − (q).The other cases are analogous or trivial.