Abstract. For odd-dimensional Poincaré-Einstein manifolds (X n+1 , g), we study the set of harmonic k-forms (for k < n/2) which are C m (with m ∈ N) on the conformal compactification X of X. This set is infinite-dimensional for small m but it becomes finite-dimensional if m is large enough, and in one-to-one correspondence with the direct sum of the relative cohomology H k (X, ∂X) and the kernel of the Branson-Gover [3] differential operators (L k , G k ) on the conformal infinity (∂X, [h 0 ]). We also relate the set of C n−2k+1 ( k (X)) forms in the kernel of d + δ g to the conformal harmonics on the boundary in the sense of [3], providing some sort of long exact sequence adapted to this setting. This study also provides another construction of Branson-Gover differential operators, including a parallel construction of the generalization of Q-curvature for forms.