Quinoprotein alcohol dehydrogenases use the pyrroloquinoline quinone (PQQ) cofactor to catalyze the oxidation of alcohols. The catalytic cycle is thought to involve a hydride transfer from the alcohol to the oxidized PQQ, resulting in the generation of aldehyde and reduced PQQ. Reoxidation of the cofactor by cytochrome proceeds in two sequential steps via the PQQ radical. We have used a combination of electron nuclear double resonance and density functional theory to show that the PQQ radical is not protonated at either O-4 or O-5, a result that is at variance with the general presumption of a singly protonated radical. The quantum mechanical calculations also show that reduced PQQ is unlikely to be protonated at O-5; rather, it is either singly protonated at O-4 or not protonated at either O-4 or O-5, a result that also challenges the common assumption of a reduced PQQ protonated at both O-4 and O-5. The reaction cycle of PQQ-dependent alcohol dehydrogenases is revised in light of these findings.A number of Gram-negative bacteria utilize a class of dehydrogenases known as quinoproteins, which are distinct from the flavin-and nicotinamide-dependent enzymes, to catalyze the oxidation of alcohols or aldoses (1-3). The reaction is the first step in an electron transport chain that generates a proton motive force that is used to produce ATP. Several quinoproteins contain the noncovalently bound quinoid cofactor pyrroloquinoline quinone (PQQ) 2 (Fig. 1), the role of which as a potential vitamin in mammals is currently under debate (4 -6). Among this class of enzymes, methanol dehydrogenase (MDH) (7-15), quinoprotein ethanol dehydrogenase (QEDH) (16), quinohemoprotein alcohol dehydrogenase (QH-ADH) (17, 18), and soluble glucose dehydrogenase (s-GDH) (19) have been described and crystallized. Spectroscopic, biochemical, and in particular x-ray crystallographic studies have allowed great progress to be made in the understanding of the structure and function of these proteins (20 -22).The most frequently investigated PQQ-dependent alcohol dehydrogenase is MDH. This soluble enzyme is a heterotetramer of two large and two small subunits (␣ 2  2 ) (8 -12, 14, 15). In contrast, QEDH is composed of two large subunits (␣ 2 ) (16). The common structure of the ␣-subunit is a super-barrel composed of eight radially arranged -sheets, a so-called propeller fold. The PQQ cofactor bound to a Ca 2ϩ ion is buried in the interior of the super-barrel and sandwiched between the indole ring of a tryptophan residue and an eight-member disulfide ring formed from adjacent cysteine residues. In QEDH these are Cys 105 and Cys 106 (16). Two mechanisms have been proposed for the oxidation of alcohols in quinoprotein dehydrogenases, both of which begin with the PQQ in an oxidized state. Initially, an addition/elimination mechanism was proposed, a suggestion that is now considered unlikely; rather, a hydride transfer mechanism is preferred (19, 23, 24) (see Fig. 1). Following substrate binding, the reaction is initiated by amino acid (Asp (11)...