The non-exchangeable proton resonances of the hexadeoxynucleoside pentakisphosphates d(m5C-G)3 and d(b~-'c-G)~ in the B form as well as in the Z form were assigned by means of two-dimensional correlated spectroscopy and two-dimensional nuclear Overhauser enhancement spectroscopy. The complete proton NMR spectrum of the B form of the methylated compound was assigned in a pure 'H20 solution as well as in a 2H20/ C2H302H mixed solvent, containing 5 mM MgClz. In the latter solvent the B form occurs in slow equilibrium (on the NMR time scale) with the Z form, the resonances of which also were fully assigned. The proton resonances of the B and Z forms of the brominated fragment were assigned in a 2HzO/C2H302H solution containing 5 mM MgCI2. A new and general method is described for the sequential assignment of the non-exchangeable proton resonances of oligonucleotides in the Z form. A well-tested strategy is based upon a combined use of both techniques. In a first step COSY is used to identify groups of scalarly coupled nuclei (i. e. sugar protons belonging to a single residue). In the next step these sets of nuclei are assigned to a specific residue by means of nuclear Overhauser enhancements, observed between base and sugar protons. Although the NOESY spectrum alone usually contains sufficient information to complete the assignment without the aid of the COSY spectrum, the latter serves as an aid in avoiding pitfalls.Hitherto, no similar direct method has been available for the assignment of proton spectra of oligonucleotides in the Z form. Published assignments of the proton spectra of DNA fragments in the Z form thus far rely upon indirect techniques. In the present paper a new and general strategy based upon COSY and NOESY is proposed for the sequential assignment of oligonucleotides in the Z form. We will show that it is indeed possible to assign each of the 51 and the 48 non-equivalent resonances exhibited by the major species (B and Z) of the hexamers d ( m 5 C Q 3 and d(b~-%-G)~, respectively, to a specific proton. Both hexamers were chosen for this study because it is known that methylation or bromination of cytidine at the C-5 position facilitates the formation of the Z At this point it is well to remark that the polymorphism exhibited by duplexes of the d(C-G), . d(C-G), type necessitates a careful assignment and analysis of the NMR spectra of each stable molecular species. In the present paper we will loosely designate the low-salt form in aqueous solution as B DNA and the structure which becomes increasingly predominant when increasing amounts of C2H302H and/or MgC12 are added to the solution will be designated Z DNA.The conformational analysis of the respective B and Z forms will be reported in a companion paper [15]. There it will be shown that the interpretation of the NMR data indeed strongly supports these designations.form [12-141.
MATERIALS AND METHODSThe hexamers d(m5C-G)3 and d(b~%-G)~ (Fig. 1) were synthesized via an improved phosphotriester method [16, 171. After purification the samples were ...