We have developed a high-throughput approach to the laborintensive problems of DNA cyclization, which we use to characterize DNA curvature and mechanical properties. The method includes a combinatorial approach to make the DNA constructs needed and automated real-time measurement of the kinetics using fluorescence. We validated the approach and investigated the flexibility of two kinds of nicked DNA and AT dinucleotide repeats. We found that, although the nicks hardly alter the bending flexibility, they significantly increase the torsional flexibility, and that the AT repeat has 28% (؎12%) lower bending rigidity than a generic DNA sequence.S equence-dependent DNA curvature and flexibility are important characteristics of DNA structure (1-5), which influences almost every aspect of DNA-related processes (6, 7). The idea that DNA sequence information might also be encoded through its 3D shape and mechanical properties may provide a new dimension for functional genomics (8). However, our limited power of mapping DNA tertiary structure from its sequence impedes the testing of this idea, due to lack of a reliable and convenient approach to quantify DNA bending and flexibility (9).Among a variety of approaches that have been used to measure the global curvature and flexibility of DNA, DNA cyclization has the advantage of high sensitivity, a complete theoretical basis, and the capacity to measure almost all interesting features of global geometric and mechanical properties of DNA, including the magnitude and direction of its curvature, helical repeat, and bending and twisting flexibility (10-13). Its principle is illustrated in Fig. 7, which is published as supporting information on the PNAS web site, www.pnas.org. In this method, the J factors of a series of DNA molecules containing the same test sequence are measured and analyzed by using a model that relates them to DNA properties. The J factor is the effective concentration of one end of a DNA molecule at the other and equal to the ratio of the unimolecular ligation rate constant (k 1 ) to the bimolecular ligation rate constant (k 2 ) catalyzed by DNA ligase under certain conditions. Because k 2 is the same for all constructs with the same cohesive ends, the main aim of DNA cyclization is to measure k 1 .The traditional implementation (10, 14) of cyclization involves radioactive labeling of DNA constructs and separation of the ligation mixture by PAGE to obtain data on ligation kinetics. The data are mainly interpreted by Monte Carlo simulation to determine curvature and flexibility parameters. Several aspects limit throughput, including the time needed to prepare the Ϸ15 constructs required for the study of a single sequence. The need for multiple oligonucleotide syntheses, constant optimization of PCR reactions, and the limited lifetime of radioactive labeled constructs make the sample preparation extremely tedious. Second, determining ligation rates from gels is labor-intensive. Finally, data interpretation using Monte Carlo simulation is cumbersome and computat...