The stability of a triple helix formed between a DNA duplex and an incoming oligonucleotide strand strongly depends on the solvent conditions and on intrinsic chemical and conformational factors. Attempts to increase triple helix stability in the past included chemical modification of the backbone, sugar ring, and bases in the third strand. However, the predictive power of such modifications is still rather poor. We therefore developed a method that allows for rapid screening of conformationally diverse third strand oligonucleotides for triplex stability in the parallel pairing motif to a given DNA double helix sequence. Combinatorial libraries of oligonucleotides of the requisite (fixed) base composition and length that vary in their sugar unit (ribose or deoxyribose) at each position were generated. After affinity chromatography against their corresponding immobilized DNA target duplex, utilizing a temperature gradient as the selection criterion, the oligonucleotides forming the most stable triple helices were selected and characterized by physicochemical methods. Thus, a series of oligonucleotides were identified that allowed us to define basic rules for triple helix stability in this conformationally diverse system. It was found that ribocytidines in the third strand increase triplex stability relative to deoxyribocytidines independently of the neighboring bases and position along the strand. However, remarkable sequence-dependent differences in stability were found for (deoxy)thymidines and uridines.Triple-stranded DNA and RNA structures were first discovered in the late fifties by Felsenfeld and Rich (1, 2). In 1986, two independent research groups demonstrated that triplex-forming oligonucleotides (TFOs) 1 can be used to specifically recognize a given sequence in a DNA double helix (3, 4), and thus paved the way for their potential use as therapeutics in the antigene strategy and as tools in molecular biology. Polypyrimidine TFOs bind specifically to complementary poly(Pu)⅐poly(Py) double-helix sequences by formation of Hoogsteen base pairs between thymines or protonated cytosines in the TFO and adenines or guanines, respectively, in the poly(Pu) strand of the DNA double helix. The molecular recognition process is highly sensitive to base mismatches, so that a single duplex site can be targeted within megabase DNA (5-7).It has been shown previously that triplexes not only form within the pure DNA or RNA backbone context but also within mixed RNA and DNA strands, although with distinct differences in stability within a given sequence context (8). Recent analyses by NMR and FT-IR have shown that D:DD and R:DD triple helices (where DD stands for the DNA double helix, and D: or R: for the DNA or RNA TFO, respectively) have heterogeneous backbone conformations, leading to energetically compromised conformations for certain ribo-and deoxyribonucleotides in the three strands (9 -15). Thermodynamic studies have shown that R:DD triple helices have higher thermal stability than D:DD ones (8, 15-18), whereas similar...