“…Numerous theoretical studies have focused on short oligoalanine peptides, which serve as models of peptide conformation dynamics and helix formation. ,,,− A detailed mapping of interactions is sought here, examining not only radial distribution functions (rdf's) at the pair-interaction level, − but also the ensemble of possible conformations, and the nature of those that are enhanced or “destroyed” by the presence of electrolytes. In this respect, our analysis is related to the recent work of Dzubiella on alanine-based peptides , or that of Fedorov at el., , but we carry out a detailed analysis of all intermolecular interactions to identify potential driving forces for the observed conformational changes in the presence of salts. The discussion about specific ionic interactions with various groups on peptides and protein surfaces has been going on for a long time. − ,,,− It is not clear, however, how these binding interactions may affect the overall conformation of an oligopeptide.…”