Apresentamos um estudo QM/MM seqüencial dos deslocamentos químicos gás-líquido da água. Cálculos de química quântica extensivos, usando a teoria do funcional da densidade foram realizados para estruturas do líquido de água, geradas através de simulações de Monte Carlo e Dinâmica Molecular. A dependência do deslocamento químico com os potenciais empíricos utilizados nas simulações, com o tamanho do aglomerado e com o funcional escolhido para os cálculos quânticos foi analisada. Os resultados corrigidos devido ao erro de superposição de base estão em boa concordância com os resultados experimentais, mostrando que um potencial empírico simples associado a um funcional apropriado é capaz de descrever os deslocamentos químicos. Todos os resultados apresentados são estatisticamente convergidos.We present a sequential QM/MM study of the gas-liquid chemical shifts of water. Extensive quantum chemical calculations using density functional theory have been performed for structures of liquid water generated by Monte Carlo and Molecular Dynamic simulations. The dependence of the chemical shifts on the empirical potential used in the simulations, on the cluster size and on the functional chosen for the quantum chemical calculations were analyzed. The results after correcting for basis set superposition errors are in good agreement with the experimental data, showing that a simple empirical potential associated to an appropriate functional is able to describe the chemical shifts. All results presented here are statistically converged.
Keywords: sequential QM/MM, water, NMR, chemical shift, DFT
IntroductionCalculations of the chemical shielding can reproduce with accuracy the chemical environment of the nuclei in a molecule. The advances in computational resources and the improvement in the theoretical methods provide important refinements to estimate the chemical shielding, such as inclusion of the electron correlation effects and the possibility of studying systems that are more complex than isolated molecules or small clusters. Presently the determination of the chemical shifts for nuclei in proteins, solids and liquids through current methodologies 1-5 are very convincing.An important category of systems whose electronic structure can be investigated through NMR calculations are solvated systems. A solvated molecule experiences the effect of the interaction with its vicinity, such as in hydrogen bonds. 6,7 Several theoretical models were proposed to describe the solvent effects on chemical shielding. [8][9][10][11][12][13][14] The main branches are the self-consistent reaction field methods (SCRF) 15,16 where the solute is placed inside a hollow cavity in a polarizable medium represented by its dielectric constant. In some cases, explicit solvent molecules, forming minimum energy clusters are considered in order to mimic the solvation shells of the solute. 10,17 It was shown that the former method does not work in determining the chemical shift and the latter, though it can serve as a rough approximation, does not serve as...