excited states. Chloroform, however, assumed to be a scavenger of electrons (7, 8), reduces both monomer and excimer emission by equal amounts whilst only slightly decreasing their respective lifetimes. These results suggest that both the monomer and excimer arise from common precursors. It seems most likely that the latter generate either monomer or excimer species followed by rapid equilibration.The intense Cerenkov emission monitored during this work suggests that, since such emission has maximum intensity in the direction of the irradiating particle beam, the benzene luminescence yield is appreciably less than that for Cerenkov emission over the spectral region 260-360 mp. It is likely, therefore, that some benzene emission will arise from absorption of Cerenkov photons; the chloroform scavenging experiment shows that this is not a major contribution, however. The signs of the intermethyl proton spin-spin coupling constants in ortho, meta, and para xylene derivatives (interbenzylic coupling) have been determined by double resonance techniques. JCH3,CH30, JCH ,CH3n(, and J C H 3 , C H B P are positive, negative, and positive, respectively, in agreement with the predict~ons of theor~es based on o-n interactions. The magnitudes of the coupling constants are discussed in terms of the values predicted by these theories.
Signs of methyl-methyl proton spin-spin coupling constants in xylene derivatives (interbenzylic coupling)Canadian Journal of Chemistry, 48, 1002Chemistry, 48, (1970
IntroductionThe signs of the long range a-side-chain proton -ring proton (benzylic) coupling constants in toluene and substituted toluenes,