The© metal© binding© properties© of© proteins© are© biologically© significant,© particularly© in© relationship©to©the©molecular©origins©of©disease©and©the©discovery©of©therapeutic©pharmaceutical treatments.© Herein,© we© demonstrate© that© selective© noncovalent© adduct© protein© probing© mass spectrometry©(SNAPP-MS)©is©a©sensitive©technique©to©investigate©the©structural©effects©of protein-metal© interactions.© We© utilize© specific,© noncovalent© interactions© between© 18-crown-6 ether© (18C6)© and© lysine© to© probe© protein© structure© in© the© presence© and© absence© of© metal© ions. Application©of©SNAPP-MS©to©the©calmodulin-Ca 2ϩ© system©demonstrates©that©changes©in protein© structure© are© reflected© in© a© substantial© change© in© the© number© and© intensity© of© 18C6s, which© bind© to© the© protein© as© observed© by© MS.© In© this© manner,© SNAPP© is© demonstrated© to© be a© sensitive© technique© for© monitoring© ligand-induced© conformational© rearrangements© in© proteins.©In©addition,©SNAPP©is©well-suited©to©examine©the©properties©of©natively©unfolded proteins,© where© structural© changes© are© more© difficult© to© detect© by© other© methods.© For© example, ␣-synuclein© is© a© protein© associated© in© the© pathology© of© Parkinson's© disease,© which© is© known© to aggregate© more© rapidly© in© the© presence© of© Al 3ϩ© and© Cu 2ϩ .© The© 18C6© SNAPP© distributions© for ␣-synuclein© change© dramatically© in© the© presence© of© 3© M Al 3ϩ ,© revealing© that© Al 3ϩ© binding causes© a© significant© change© in© the© conformational© dynamics© of© the© monomeric© form© of© this disordered© protein.© In© contrast,© binding© of© Cu 2ϩ© does© not© induce© a© significant© shift© in© 18C6 binding,© suggesting© that© noteworthy© structural© reorganizations© at© the© monomeric© level© are minimal.© These© results© are© consistent© with© the© idea© that© the© metal-induced© aggregation© caused by© Al 3ϩ© and© Cu 2ϩ© proceed© by© independent© pathways