Type III secretion (TTS) is an essential virulence function forShigella flexneri that delivers effector proteins that are responsible for bacterial invasion of intestinal epithelial cells. The Shigella TTS apparatus (TTSA) consists of a basal body that spans the bacterial inner and outer membranes and a needle exposed at the pathogen surface. At the distal end of the needle is a "tip complex" composed of invasion plasmid antigen D (IpaD). IpaD not only regulates TTS, but is required for the recruitment and stable association of the translocator protein IpaB at the TTSA needle tip in the presence of deoxycholate or other bile salts. This phenomenon is not accompanied by induction of TTS or the recruitment of IpaC to the Shigella surface. We now show that IpaD specifically binds fluorescein-labeled deoxycholate and, based on energy transfer measurements and docking simulations, this interaction appears to occur where the N-terminal domain of IpaD meets its central coiled-coil, a region that may also be involved in needle-tip interactions. TTS is initiated as a series of distinct steps and that small molecules present in the bacterial milieu are capable of inducing the first step of TSS through interactions with the needle tip protein IpaD. Furthermore, the amino acids proposed to be important for deoxycholate binding by IpaD appear to have significant roles in regulating tip complex composition and pathogen entry into host cells.Shigella flexneri is the etiologic agent of shigellosis, a potentially life-threatening bacillary dysentery in humans. Although shigellosis is typically considered a disease of the developing world, it is an underreported problem in industrialized nations where it is an infectious agent in child daycare centers, nursing homes, and in any situation where sanitation procedures become compromised (1). Shigellosis is spread by the fecal-oral route with larger outbreaks linked to contaminated water, which makes it a serious public health problem anywhere treatment regimens are inadequate. Following ingestion, Shigella travels to the colon where it crosses M cells and kills macrophages to gain access to the basal side of the colonic epithelium. S. flexneri then promotes its own uptake into epithelial cells by inducing membrane ruffling at the site of pathogen contact.Shigella invasiveness is the product of a 31-kb segment on its large virulence plasmid, which encodes the components of a type III secretion system (TTSS). 4 The Shigella TTSS is used to subvert the normal host cell mechanisms that control the actin cytoskeleton to promote invasion (2, 3). Within this genetic region, the mxi/spa operons encode the type III secretion apparatus (TTSA) and the ipa/ipg operon encodes the type III secreted protein effectors/translocators, IpaA-D, and IpgC, the cytoplasmic chaperone for IpaB and IpaC (4). The TTSA is a nanomachine that provides a conduit for secretion from the bacterial cytoplasm to the membrane and cytoplasm of target cells. It is composed of two main parts: an external needle that allow...