Quasi-elastic light scattering studies were performed on purified bovine serum albumin sample under conditions of high and low ionic strength and pH. Two relaxation modes were observed in all cases. The apparent diffusion coefficient obtained in the asymptotic time window (T) limit T-* 0-i.e., Dapp(T --* 0)-was found to be 6.1 X 10-7 cm2/sec under conditions that minimized electrical forces (100 mM KCI at pH 4.5). As the ionic strength was lowered to 0.1 mM KCI (pH 4.5) or the pH was raised to 10 (100 mM KCI), Dapp(T -*0) increased to 7.2-7.5 X 10-7 cm2/sec. Kirkwood and Shumaker first suggested that fluctuations in the net charge of proteins can fully account for the observed permanent dipole of globular proteins (1) and that these fluctuations may lead to substantial attractive interactions between the polyions (2). Oosawa (3) examined a similar fluctuation mechanism for rigid rods and concluded that attractive forces resulted if coupling occurred between counterion distributions along neighboring rods. It is the current beliefthat fluctuations in the small-ion distribution about a polyion are also responsible for the enhancement of the dielectric constant for linear polyelectrolytes at low frequencies of the external field (4-9). It follows, therefore, that the dynamics of polyions would be greatly affected under conditions that promote large amplitude fluctuations in the small-ion distributions. Lin et aL (10) examined the effect of coupled polyion-small-ion dynamics on the apparent diffusion coefficient, with the result Dapp = (I/2)[Dp(l -fl) + Ds (1 + fl)], [1] where DP is the polyion diffusion coefficient, Ds is the small ion diffusion coefficient, and [4] where the first term is the hydrodynamic dissipation term for a Stokes bead of radius ap, and the second term is referred to as the electrolyte dissipation term, which arises from an asymmetric distribution of small ions about the polyion. The parameters in Eq. 4 are: solvent viscosity (ii), electrolyte dissipation charge (Zedc), electron charge (e), small-ion diffusion coefficient (Dj), Debye-Huckel screening parameter (K), and bulk dielectric constant (E). It has been suggested through use of Eq. 4 that "apparent unfolding" of polyelectrolytes as the ionic strength is lowered below 50 mM actually may be overestimated because of the presence of significant electrolyte dissipation effects (12). We have proposed that small-ion fluctuations play a significant role not only in the self-diffusion coefficient of polyions but also in the stabilization of "localized ordered domains" within the polyelectrolyte solution (13-18). The involvement of small ions was suggested to explain quasi-elastic light-scattering (QLS) experiments performed in the presence of a sinusoidal electric field (QLS-SEF). The apparent electrophoretic mobility and apparent diffusion coefficient for mono-and polynucleosomes showed a dispersion curve in the same frequency range as that of the dielectric constant for low molecular weight DNA. The increased amplitude of the slow...