The binding of cobalt(II) ions to metallothionein (MT) from rabbit liver was followed through *H NMR spectroscopy of cysteine side-chain protons and magnetic susceptibility measurements at room temperature in solution. In the course of the titration of apo-MT with cobalt(II) no isotropically shifted NMR signals are observed up to about 3 equiv of metal. A few broad signals in the 300 to -50 ppm region are observed when 4 equiv is added, while more than 30 sharp signals in the same region are observed when 5 or more equiv is added, up to the full metal complement of 7 equiv. Parallel magnetic susceptibility measurements show that little magnetic coupling among metal ions occurs up to 3 equiv. Strong coupling is observed when the fourth equivalent is added, and a sizeable coupling is maintained, although with a smaller reduction of susceptibility value per metal ion, up to 7 equiv. The results are consistent with a metal binding scheme in which the first three metals do not share any cysteine sulfur donor, two metals possibly occupying the four-metal site and one the three-metal site. The fourth metal binds in the four-metal site, giving rise to a strongly coupled Co3 cluster, and the fifth completes the four-metal cluster, yielding a well-resolved *H NMR spectrum. The sixth and seventh equivalents complete the three-metal cluster, where they are probably strongly coupled as well. We propose that the well-resolved *H NMR spectrum of the Co7MT derivative essentially arises from the four-metal cluster.Metallothioneins (MT) are a class of low molecular weight (Mr 6-7 kDa) cysteine-and metal-rich proteins that are widely distributed in nature.1 The best characterized forms are those isolated from vertebrate tissues. Mammalian proteins are composed of a single polypeptide chain of 61 or 62 amino acid residues out of which 20 are cysteines. These proteins usually contain 7 equiv of bivalent metal ions such as zinc and/or cadmium.2 113Cd NMR3 and Co11 EPR studies4 on the respective metal derivatives established the existence of the tetrahedral tetrathiolate clusters in this protein. Evidence for the presence of two independent clusters of three and four metal ions, respectively, was first indicated by 113Cd NMR studies3 and subsequently supported by the enzymatic cleavage of the protein and isolation of the Cterminal cluster (a domain).5 Recently both the crystal structure6 and the solution NMR structure7,8 have been solved. While both structures agree on the presence of two metal thiolate clusters, they differ in details of the sequence-specific metal cysteine connectivities.9 The schemes of the clusters are reported in Figure 1.