Selective acetylation-deacetylation methodologies are very commonly used in carbohydrate chemistry to generate a suitable protective-group strategy for hydroxyl functions. 1,2) Their effectiveness in the preparation of partially acetylated monosaccharides has received particular attention, owing to their great potential usefulness as precursors in the synthesis of oligosaccharides, 3) in the preparation of O-substituted derivatives, 4) as chiral building blocks in organic synthesis, 5) and as reference model compounds for the analysis of polysaccharides. 6) Many enzymatic and chemical methods have been reported for the preparation of partially acetylated derivatives. As a rule, chemical transformations have the disadvantage that multiple synthetic steps are generally needed, with usually modest overall yields. [7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14] In contrast to chemical techniques, enzymic catalysis is conceivably a one-stage process in regioselective acylation [15][16][17][18][19][20][21] and deacylation [22][23][24][25] as well as in chemoselective deprotection. 26,27) Since the advent of enzymatic methods, numerous investigations have focused on the enzymatically catalyzed regioselective hydrolysis of peracetylated mono-and disaccharide model compounds to account for the nature and behaviour of both the enzyme and the substrate. [28][29][30][31] However, whatever the chosen strategy the question arises concerning the location of acetyl groups, which proved to be labile under basic conditions and prone to intramolecular migrations mainly during the purification steps. 32,33) Subsequent careful separation of the reaction products is needed to assign the deacetylated generated compounds unambiguously. Apart from some solvent change techniques 34) and selective deuteriation methods, 35,36) assignment of acetyl groups is inferred from diagnostic variations in 13 C chemical shifts of the ring carbon atoms with substituent effects. These empirical and experimental methods have given rise to a flood of 13 C-NMR data in carbohydrate chemistry. 37,38) Obviously, the plurality of these factors makes the measurements time-consuming. From a practical point of view, it appears attractive to avoid the isolation and purification steps and also to preclude the prerequisite tedious steps of assigning 1 H-or 13 C-NMR resonances by the usual combination of 1 H-1 H homonuclear and 1 H-13 C heteronuclear 2D correlation experiments.To solve such restrictive analytical problems, we recently applied the refocused-decoupled insensitive nuclei enhanced by polarization transfer (INEPT) pulse sequence to the structural analysis of acetylated carbohydrate model compounds. 39) By taking advantage of computed graphic representations of the refocused INEPT analytical relation, 40) we demonstrated that individual resonances can be assigned unambiguously to their specific positions in the pyranose ring, thanks to the exploitation of certain characteristic refocusing delay times D, closely linked to the spatial proton environment around the different ...