75Kinetics of the conformational transition of poly(methacry1ic acid) after a pH jump, 2 a )
Studies of nonradiative energy transferDedicated to Prof. Paul Rempp on the occasion of his 60th birthday SUMMARY:Doubly labeled poly(methacry1ic acid) (PMA) samples with two different concentrations of carbazole and anthracene labels were prepared, and one sample was divided into two fractioiis of different molecular weight. Emission spectra were recorded in solutions without added salt, at ionic strengths 0,05 and 0,40 and in a 2: 1 water-methanol mixture, as a function of pH. Tfie nonradiative energy transfer (NET) from carbazole donor to anthracene acceptor decayed i t s the PMA coils expanded. On mixing solutions of the labeled PMA with buffer solutions of varying ionic strength in water or aqueous methanol in a stopped-flow apparatus, the expansic n of the PMA was monitored by the decrease in anthracene emission intensity when the soluticn was irradiated in the carbazole absorption band. Only part of the process could be followed, since the initial expansion occurred in a sub-millisecond time. Some studies were also carried out on the kinetics of chain contraction when partially neutralized PMA solutions wei'e acidified. The changing NET with the conformational transition of PMA was correlated with the change in the intrinsic viscosity of the polymer. The kinetic data obtained were generally in excellent agreement with those of an earlier study in which conformational changes of PM.\ were monitored by the changing emission of a dansyl label. In particular, the surprisirg slowness of the final approach to equilibrium was substantiated. a) Part I : cf.'). b, On leave of absence from the Institute