Astrophysical neutrinos travel long distances from their sources to the Earth traversing dark matter halos of clusters of galaxies and that of our own Milky Way. The interaction of neutrinos with dark matter may affect the flux of neutrinos. The recent multimessenger observation of a high energy neutrino, IceCube-170922A, can give a robust upper bound σ/M dm 5.1 × 10 −23 cm 2 / GeV on the interaction between neutrino and dark matter at a neutrino energy of 290 TeV allowing 90% suppression. Combining the constraints from CMB and LSS at different neutrino energies, we can constrain models of dark matter-neutrino interactions.
PACS numbers:Introduction. Since neutrinos interact only weakly with matter they can propagate cosmological distances without attenuation and are considered to be ideal messenger particles to uncover the mysteries of distant astrophysical objects. The recent discovery of a very high energy neutrino, IceCube-170922A, was followed by multimessenger observations including gamma-ray, X-ray, optical, and radio. Through these accompanying observations, the source of this 290 TeV neutrino could be identified as a flaring blazar located at a distance of 1421 Mpc [1].New interactions of neutrinos with matter in the Universe may affect the propagation of neutrinos by reducing the flux or changing neutrino flavors [2,3]. The nondiagonal or nonuniversal matter potential generated by new interactions modifies the neutrino oscillation behavior and could result in deviation from the present expectations. Strong constraints can be obtained on nonstandard interactions from atmospheric data [4], at the production, propagation and detection [5], and from neutrino experiments [6].Neutrinos could have interactions with dark matter and observations of distant sources are ideal to probe such processes. Dark matter composes 26% of the massenergy content of the present Universe and spreads all over the Universe, with more localization near galaxies and clusters of galaxies. Even though the simplest cosmological Λ CDM model assumes only gravitationally interacting dark matter, many models of particles physics predict nongravitational interactions of dark matter with standard model particles as well as self interaction between dark matter [7].The interaction of neutrinos with dark matter, denoted DM, has been considered in cosmology and neutrino observations. Before the last scattering of CMB, the interactions of DM beyond gravity leads to a suppression of