Abstract. An inexpensive and easy to make soft mould suitable for inlay grafting and postoperative dilation in split skin graft vaginoplasty is described. Maintenance is very simple, and if it is damaged the patient can replace it. An ideal mould should be inexpensive, easy to construct, adaptable to the neovagina, comfortable, and require minimal maintenance. A soft vaginal mould has been designed with these requirements in mind.
ConstructionThe materials required are a medical plastic tube, for example a catheter, a rectangular portion of polyurethane sponge, silk sutures and a latex rubber condom (Fig. 1). The catheter is shortened, small holes are cut into it, and the sponge is rolled around it to make a cylinder (Fig. 2). The dimensions are modified to fit the particular patient's cavity. The excess sponge is then trimmed, its free edge is fixed by silk sutures and the appliance is then placed into the condom. The latter half has numerous holes in it, these are present to allow irrigation of sponge and graft with normal saline during the first postoperative week. Antibiotics may also be used. The tube can act as a drain. The condom forms a cylinder ready for draping with the skin graft (Fig. 3).With minor modifications the device is used as a dilator. The catheter is removed, a new condom is applied, and tied at its open end (Fig. 4).