BACKGROUND: The right-sided congenital diaphragmatic hernia is the rare pathology. Results of diagnostics, prognosis and treatment usally published as a collection of cases.
AIM: Comparition of treatment results of congenital diaphragmatic hernia with the liver as its content in dependancy of the side.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: We present a retrospective analysis of 50 newborn patients with congenital diaphragmatic hernia. Patiens were divided in two groups, first with right-sided (19 patients), and second with left-sided hernia (31 patients). Groups were compared by gender and weigth. Comparition criteria was the results of prenatal and postnatal diagnostics, intraoperative data, postoperative period, complications and outcomes.
RESULTS: We found predominance of prenatal diagnosis in the second group (48% vs 84%, p = 0,001). The lung-to-head circumference ratio were the same in both groups (0,52 in first, 0,46 in second, p = 0,058). Chance to use thoracoscopic approach in the second group was higer in 5,7 times (48% vs 84%). Postoperative period was easier in the group of right-sided congenital diaphragmatic hernia: artificial ventilation lasted on average 8 days (min 3; max 28) versus 11 (min 4; max 50) days in the first group (p = 0,036).
Hospital stay was significantly lower in the second group 18 days (min 12; max 28), versus 50 days in the first group (min 13; max 64), p = 0,011. Recovery chance in patients with right-sided hernia was higher (45% vs 79%, confidence interval 0,0590,814).
CONCLUSIONS: Every type of diaphragmatic hernia, including right-sided location, need to be the subgect of research of high compitantive center. Prognostic criteria for right-sided congenital diaphragmatic hernia require furter advanced study, wich is possible only in case of concentration of patients in the same center.