Congenital epulis or congenital gingival granular cell tumor is a rare lesion of newborn, also known as Neuman's tumor. Congenital epulis mostly occurs as a single mass but rarely as multiple. It arises from the mucosa of gingiva either from maxillary or mandibular alveolar ridge. The exact histogenesis of congenital epulis is still uncertain, but the biologic behavior of this lesion is compatible with embryonic hamartoma, so that surgical excision is the treatment of choice. The presented case describes a mass in the anterior region of maxillary alveolar ridge in a 15 day old healthy female, which causes a feeding problem and hinders normal closure of the mouth. Tumor was excised surgically under general anesthesia. The excised material was sent for histopathological examination and the diagnosis of congenital epulis was performed.