Omphalocele is a rare type of congenital abdominal wall defect that allows intestines (and sometimes a portion of liver) covered by a paper-thin membrane (amnion) to protrude from the abdominal wall at the navel area. The aim of the current study is to report the first successful rectification of a congenital omphalocele in a day old neonatal cow calf using a basic suture pattern in laparotomy at cattle populous area of Jhang (Punjab). The case was presented at College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Jhang. The calf after surgery manifested a steady and progressive growth rate without any complication suggesting the success of the surgical remedy. At the same time this approach is quite economical to the farmer in the context of saving the life of his farm. It is concluded that this surgery can instituted with success in cases with fair body condition, less contaminated in the absence of predominant necrosis of the tissues.