Abstract. In this paper we shall establish the counterpart of Szmidt, Urbanowicz and Zagier's formula in the sense of the Hecker correspondence. The motivation is the derivation of the values of the Riemann zeta-function at positive even integral arguments from the partial fraction expansion for the hyperbolic cotangent function (or the cotangent function). Since the last is equivalent to the functional equation, we may view their elegant formula as one for the Lambert series, and comparing the Laurent coefficients, we may give a functional equational approach to the short-interval character sums with polynomial weight.In view of the importance of these short-interval character sums, we assemble some handy formulations for them that are derived from Szmidt, Urbanowicz and Zagier's formula and Yamamoto's method, which also gives the conjugate sums. We shall also state the formula for the values of the Dirichlet L-function with imprimitive characters.