Consistent with the goals of a comprehensive carbohydrate sequencing strategy, we extend earlier reports to include the characterization of structural (constitutional) isomers. Protocols were developed around ion trap instrumentation providing sequential mass spectrometry (MS n ) and supported with automation and related computational tools. These strategies have been built on the principle that for a single structure all product spectra upon sequential fragmentation are reproducible and each stage represents a rational spectrum of its precursor; i.e., all major fragments should be accounted for. Anomalous ions at any stage are clues indicating the presence of structural isomers. Gas-phase isolation and subsequent fragmentation of such ions provide an opportunity to specifically resolve selected structures for their detailed characterization. Importantly, some isomers were not detected following MS 2 and required multiple (MS n>2 ) stages for their characterization. Derivatization remains critical to position substructures in a glycan array since product ions carry fragmentation "scars" throughout the MS n tree. Equally as important are the pathway relationships between each stage and the greater yield of fragments with the smaller number of oscillators. Applications were directed to the structural isomers in ovalbumin and IgG, where, in the latter case, several previously unreported glycans were detected. Procedures were supported with bioinformatics tools for assimilating structure from the MS n data sets.A comprehensive carbohydrate sequence is particularly challenging when considering the constitutional and stereoisomers that are abundant in glycan arrays. Constitutional isomers, also referred to as structural isomers, are defined as an identical atomic composition arranged in a different structure. Stereoisomers are exemplified with those frequently encountered in the hexoses, mannose, galactose, and glucose, while the two G1 glycans found in IgG are representative of simple structural isomers. In this latter case, an identical monomer may be linked on either of two antennae providing a different topology. In another nomenclature clarification, the term isomer is often confused with isobar. which relates to a different composition of atoms occurring at a nominal (unit) mass resolution. 1 At the MS profile stage, isobars are not usually a significant problem in carbohydrate structural characterization, but structural isomers and stereoisomers are. During fragmentation, however, isobaric fragments may be formed, but identification will require higher mass resolving power and mass accuracy.